Saskatchewan Grant Opportunities & Events
Please note that all funding may not be currently accepting applications. Click each link to ensure the status of the program. Thank you!
Municipalities of Saskatchewan (SUMA) funding.
Funding related to Accessibility, Community Development, Economic Development, Environment, Governance, Housing, Infrastructure, Public Safety, & Recreation, Arts & Culture.
Government of Saskatchewan Municipal funding.
Communities in Transition Funding
Providing funding assistance to rural municipalities that assume financial liabilities related to environmental-based physical infrastructure when a village dissolves into an RM.
Canada Community-Building Fund
The Canada Community-Building Fund (CCBF) formerly the federal Gas Tax Fund, will provide an estimated $616.9 million over 10 years to help build local municipalities.
Community Airport Partnership Program
The Community Airport Partnership (CAP) program is an initiative to provide eligible airports with stable, long-term financial assistance to improve infrastructure.
Flood and Natural Disasters Recovery
The Provincial Disaster Assistance Program (PDAP) is designed to help Saskatchewan residents and businesses recover from the effects of natural disasters, including flooding, tornadoes, plow winds and other severe weather.
Grants-in-Lieu of Property Taxes
Grants-in-Lieu are grant payments from the Saskatchewan Government to local municipalities.
Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program (ICIP)
ICIP will provide more than $900 million in federal funding for all types of Saskatchewan infrastructure projects until 2028.
Municipal Financing Corporation of Saskatchewan
Municipal Financing Corporation of Saskatchewan (MFC) assists in making capital funds available for the financing of sewer and water, school, hospital, and other essential construction and local improvement projects by municipalities, school divisions and health districts.
Municipal Investments in Infrastructure
Saskatchewan's investment in municipal infrastructure play a key role in supporting healthy, dynamic and sustainable communities.
Providing funding to each local municipality to support the delivery of community services.
Municipal Revenue Sharing Figures
View the revenue sharing figures for a particular community.
Northern Capital Grants Program
Providing northern municipalities and settlements with financial assistance to build or purchase municipal infrastructure and capital assets.
Northern Water and Sewer Program
Providing funding to northern Saskatchewan communities for new, expansion and upgrading of water and sewer systems.
Learn more about the Provincial Territorial Infrastructure Component (PTIC) program or Clean Water and Wastewater Fund (CWWF) program.
Targeted Sector Support Initiative
Targeted Sector Support Initiative funding supports initiatives involving good governance and increased inter-municipal and regional co-operation.
Transit Assistance for People with Disabilities Funding
Learn about how the government provides financial support to municipalities who offer paratransit services for people with disabilities.
Urban Highway Connector Program
The Urban Highway Connector Program promotes safe and efficient movement of people and goods through Saskatchewan cities. It also provides an open and consistent framework to support the municipal management of urban highway connectors.
South East Saskatchewan District funding.
Community Recreation Plan Grant:
Aims to provide an opportunity for small, rural communities (population under $5,000) to engage in planning processes and to create an overall framework to guide the development, delivery and continuous improvement of sport, culture and recreation programs, services, and facilities.
The next uptake for grants begins April 1st, 2023. Please check the Southeast SK District website for the new 2023/34 grant guidelines and applications.
GROW Your Community Grant:
The GROW Your Community Grant assists groups and organizations to develop equitable communities by improving access to sports, culture, and recreation activities. We allocate seed money to help cover the deficit of programs that meet at least one of our grant streams. Turn your innovative ideas into reality-and GROW your community.
The next uptake for grants begins April 1st, 2023. Please check the Southeast SK District website for the new 2023/34 grant guidelines and applications.